martes, 16 de febrero de 2010


4. What are the benefits of the corporate form? Could an alternative model offer these as well?

The corporate forma can have many benefits but can also have some disadvantages. Some of the benefits are:

1. Limited Liability, that says that the owners, or shareholders, of a corporation are not liable for the debts and obligations of a corporation. This means that, as normal rule, creditors of a corporation can not hold the shareholders responsible for the debts of the corporation. If the corporation can not pay its creditors, then the creditors have no right to claim payment from the shareholders.

2. Ownership Easily Transferable, this means that qwnership of a corporation is transferred easily by transferring the shares. It can be as simple as endorsing the back of the share certificate in favour of the new owner of the shares.

3. A corporation also has Perpetual Existence, since a corporation is a separate legal entity from the shareholders, the corporation can have perpetual existence. It continues as a corporation in law even if the ownership of the corporation itself changes.

3. Also has tax advantages, in some cases not all, there can be a tax advantage to operating a business through a corporation as opposed to a sole proprietorship, a partnership or some other form. If a corporation qualifies as a small business and has active income, then it can take advantage of the small business deduction and pay income taxes at a substantially reduced rate.

4. It can also be able to raise capital faster than some other forms, this happens for a number of reasons. It is easier than a partnership or sole proprietor because lenders are more willing to lend capital to a corporation.

There are generally three common business structures that are used, which are:
1. sole proprietorship
2. a partnership
3. a corporation

We can see that all of them have some points in common but not all of them have as many benefits as those of the corporation. But even though it has more benefits it also has some disadvantages, like it is greater regulations by authority, it could cost more, it also has to keep records that authority asks for in order for everything to be checked.

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010

Relationship between national identity and corporate culture?

In order to find a relationship between national identity and corporate culture we have to define the two. National identity is the term used to describe the attachment people feel to their nation in other words is a sense of and pride in the character of ones nation. And corporate culture is the set of values, beliefs, and relationships between individuals and functions that guide the decisions of the company in order to achieve its objectives. The relationship I find in this two is that a way to have national identity is to have corporate culture, this happens becase if we have good values and beliefs in the way we want to achieve the objectives of a company we are having national identity because we want to make our company better and if we make our company better we are also helping our country therefore we are having national identity.

Ref. found 10 feb(2010). 21 January 2010. No author.

Ref. found 10 feb (2010) No author.

martes, 2 de febrero de 2010

Different definitions of Culture

1. Culture is a particular society at a particular time and place.

Ref: What is culture. Retrieved February 02, 2010 from

2. According to English Anthropologist Edward B Taylor, culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

Ref: Kartha, Deepa. (2009). What is Culture.

3. Integrated pattern of human behavior including: thoughts, communication, actions, Customs, Beliefs, Values, Institutions of a racial, ethnic, or social group.

Ref: (2001). Towards a culturally competent system of care. Retreived February 02, 2010 from -